I sincerely apologize for not posting yesterday!!! My big sis really wasn't prepared to show off her style. She will though, very soon!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I thought would share with you the people and things in my life that I am grateful for.What am I thankful for????
I am truly grateful for my Piper Mae :) She's my little love muffin, whom I love dearly. She was given to us in May of this year by my mom-in-law. She is truly the sweetest little wiener dog I have ever met. It's so nice to come home after a rough day and see her little black eyes twinkling at me. It's nice to know that she loves me unconditionally...then again she is a dog :) Either way she brings all the joy and happiness a dog can give. I love my little honey!
She is a sweetie for sure!